Reviving South Pacific Cruising
April 13, 2023 by Stéphanie BETZ
“Post-Covid Resilience Conference” Wednesday, April 26th, 2023 Orams Marine Boat Park, Auckland, New Zealand

The South Pacific Sailing Network organised a 'Post-Covid Resilience Conference' entitled: Reviving South Pacific Cruising.
This conference took place in Auckland, Captain's Lounge at Orams Marine Boat Park, 142 Beaumont Street fron 09:00-17:00.
The next day different visits of marinas were organised in the Northland region.
The purpose of such an event is to gather key people from the sailing industry of the South Pacific region and discuss the issues faced during the pandemic and find collectively key lessons to restart the flow of sailors and superyachts in the area.
Morning: Resilience of the yachting industry post Covid
- Review the challenges faced by our industry during the pandemic
- Share effective solutions instituted and lessons learned
Afternoon: Looking at the future of yachting tourism
- Security – new safety & satellite systems (AIS tracking, On water internet etc.)
- Eco-navigation – moorings, coral protection, recycling, etc.